Friday, December 14, 2012

The update

I sit here nicely settled into my room on East 8 of LDS hospital.  They have made some nice improvements since the last time I was here.  As I write Chemotherapy is slowly dripping into my veins, and despite this, I cant help but feel incredibly grateful for all of the love and support that has been shown to me and my family.  It has been overwhelming to see the numbers of people who have expressed their support and willingness to assist.

The doctors have yet to come to a definitive conclusion as to what exact type of cancer I have, but we did conclude that in the scheme of things, it really didn't matter that much, and treatment is the treatment regardless of the type.  We are going to proceed with a very similar treatment that I received 9 years ago.  In oncological speak its called CODOX and consists of a number of different chemotherapy agents given in varying doses at varying times.  It is known to be very effective in combating high grade lymphomas, and I can say that it has a 100% success rate with me

The downside to codox is that it is pretty intense, and it seems pretty likely that my stay in the hospital will be a little longer than I wanted. So much in medicine depends on a number of variable factors, so no one can say definitively how long I should expect to be here, but it seems safe to assume that 7 days is pretty safe bet.

Even thought my life has been turned upside down I can't help but feel gratefull for the good people that fill my life.  Perhaps it takes something like this for us to recognize the good that surrounds us.



  2. Nick and I are so sorry you have to go through this again. Please know you and your sweet family are in our thoughts and prayers. We are also close by, so if you ever need anything please let us know! I have to say that your attitude is amazing and what an incredible example you are. May peace and comfort be with you during this difficult time.
