Thursday, January 3, 2013

This post brought to you by Handerpants.

I've received some pretty sweet presents over the past few weeks.   My brother Matt decided that the one fashion accessory that ever self respecting cancer patient needs was Handerpants.  The box advertises "literally hundreds of uses"  I'm especially fond of using them while "night blogging"  I know there must dozens of people in the world who wonder how they ever survived without handerpants.

Combine my sweet Handerpants, with the awesome viking helmet my Aunt Sharron was able to make for me, and I've got some fashion style that is probably so incredibly ill advised,  it's a good thing they don't let me out much.

On the cancer battle front, things continue onward and upward.  I had some labs done yesterday that suggests my immune system is in great shape for round two.  I get to enjoy a few more day's respite before once again checking into what I like to think of a very exclusive health spa.   Once again the crystal ball begins to look cloudy after more than a few days.  I expect that I will be in the hospital for at least a week or two, and then hopefully I can catch another little break of life on the outside.  

Doctors seem to have a pretty amazing talent for the non-committal committal.  Can't seem to nail them down on anything since everything depends on everything else.  

I'm pleased that I feel so well, and that I feel like I'm starting round two from a really nice health baseline.  This cancer is going to be way better than the last cancer.


  1. Yea! good news and yes this treatment is going to keep moving better then last time you have the force with you and with such love and support wow. We will win this race love you so much and your incredicable wife and darling kids so blessed,

    love Mom

  2. I love this quote, "This cancer is going to be way better than the last cancer", LOL

  3. Hey Joe,
    I am wishing you much success in kicking this cancer in the rear!! We miss you here at the SCC. Here's to you getting better so you can ride your bike when it warms up.
    Sue Mietus
