Thursday, January 31, 2013

I'm not bald, I'm just built for speed


It has been some time since I have updated this blog, but this is mostly due to be consumed with sitting around trying to put on some weight in preparation for the commencement of round three.

I can safely say that  I was successful in my weight retention strategy.  It's amazing what banana cream pie 3 times a day will do for a guy.

I once again find myself a resident of East 8.  I officially started Round three of my chemotherapy regimen yesterday.  They don't waste any time with getting started.  I've been here for just over a day, and I think I've seen 4 doctors 6 nurses, and have had 4 different drugs that are hard to pronounce.  Over the past 5 days, I think I've completed almost every test that could possibly tell us anything, and I'm happy to say that so far, none of those tests have come back with results that make me uncomfortable.

Things seem to be progressing according to plan.


  1. Yea! great news. but don't get to aquainted with the banana Crem pie just enjoy while you can, at least the bananas are good for you.
    Prayers,faith and hugs are for you, keep it up we love you so much.

    Love mom

  2. You are amazing and someone that will always be on the top of my list of those who I admire most. You are in my prayers bro!

    Much respect and love,


  3. Good to hear tests are going well. We continue to have you in our prayers.
