Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Just Finished my First Marathon!!

Not really,

but I did manage to put on pants today.

I thought a Marathon sounded more impressive.  I'm getting to the point in my treatment where I start to realize why no one really wants to get cancer.  I mean, the fashion is pretty cool, and it's a very effective way to lose weight, and, let's be honest, how can you not like the hairdo?, but man, the chemo thing really is a kick in the pants.

For those of you keeping score at home, I finished up the chemo portion of round 2 last Saturday.  I so far have been Hurl-Free for more than 2 weeks, so I am either getting better at gauging my nausea, or, Natalie is getting better at making me take my meds.  I still assert that I have some pretty impressive vomiting skills.  I haven't tested this, but I'm guessing I could hit a pink hospital basin with pretty good accuracy from at least 3 feet.  I am guessing that Natalie would be reluctant to test me in this experiment, so we will likely never know for sure.

I came home on Saturday night, and I have been enjoying some nice time away from all my friends on east 8.  Prior to departure we had a very..... nice isn't really the word.... how about.... thorough discussion with the doctor leading my team of physicians.  
I continue to provide a source of consternation for some of them.  As scientists, I suspect that doctors really like being able to quantify and classify things into little boxes.  I'm just unique enough that I'm frustrating their attempts at classification. I'm slowly working towards  acceptance that there is likely a pretty low likelihood that I will ever get any sort of satisfactory answer as to why I got to deal with this not just once, but twice!  I think I'm almost there.

If all goes according to plan, I'll be able to be out of the Hospital until the end of this month.  I get to do a bunch of really awesome tests (awesome meaning scientifically amazing, and impressive that we have the capability to do said tests, not to be confused with pleasant, or in any way something that I actually would choose to do).  Assuming those tests show what I think they will show, I'll proceed with round three of my CODOX w-Rituxan course of treatment towards the end of the month. 

1 comment:

  1. Joe,

    Best wishes on a speedy recovery. We miss you here at work!

