Wednesday, February 6, 2013

This post brought to you by Dragons!!!!

I'm sitting here on my bed with my son.

I must admit it takes some getting used to in getting editorial advice from a 7 year old.  He's pretty good at reading, and I caught him looking over my shoulder and sounding out some of the words on the page.

I asked him what I should put as the title of this post, and he responded, "Dragons....wait, what are you writing about?"  Too late.  This post is brought to you by Dragons.

Coolest post ever.

Well, maybe not. Dragons did not have anything to do with this post, although I can imagine many parts of my life would be more exciting if Dragons were involved.

I suppose if I were waxing metaphorical I could speak about the Dragon that is cancer, and how I am a knight fighting said dragons.  Seems like a lot of work and not a little pretentious.

Instead Update!

I have been home since "First thing Tuesday morning" which apparently in hospital speak means just after lunch time.  Can I tell you just how nice it is to be home?  To be able to rummage through the fridge? To go to the bathroom and not have every evacuation measured and documented?  Life at home is good.

For those keeping score at home, I'm currently on day 8 of the 21 day cycle of round 3 of chemotherapy.  The first six days of this round were in the hospital receiving an interesting amalgamation of toxic chemicals.   I got out of the hospital on Tuesday, but had to go back today for a dose of vinchristine. 

Here is an interesting tidbit, vinchristine was isolated from the Madagascar Periwinkle in the 1950's.   There are over 70 different alkaloid compounds found in the natural plant.  It looks like this.

See, this blog is entertaining and informative.

I head back into the hospital again on Friday to get some more chemo.  I'm feeling pretty well right now and am savoring the time away.


  1. Pictures of a flower! I was hoping for a dragon! lol Glad your home and doing well. Rhyanna prays for Joe, Lucy's dad, every night! We are staying away because we've all been sick, but we are here rooting for you!

  2. How could I pass up the post about dragons and flowers? Did you know you can plant that vinca in your yard? Yep, sold as an annual. Comes in lots of pretty colors. One species named vinca cooler is quite popular. So now that you have ingested it you must like sun, a well drained soil and bloom all summer long :) something to look forward to.

    1. I'm totally going to look for vinca's in the spring...

  3. Yea, I love the dragons it just sounds right. oh and so glad you are doing so well keep fighting the dragons.

    Love mom
