Wednesday, February 20, 2013

This cancer is way better than the last time I had cancer....

I'ts been far longer than I intended since I last update this blog.  I imagine that one of the sad truths about a blog devoted to one guys fight with cancer, is that the longer between blog posts could be really really good, or really really bad.

This time, the length between posts was mostly a good thing.

For those keeping track of such things, I got out of the hospital on the 13th of February.
Cancer did not disrupt my ability to plan and execute uninspired and mediocre Valentines festivities.  Good to know that some things don't change.

Right before I was released from the hospital
(point of clarification:  what's the best terminology for leaving a hospital after a medical stay?  Discharge connotes to me some sort of military service or mission completed.  It also has a not so pleasant medical connotation.  "release" seems to connote a lack of personal say in the decision.  Although, the more I think about that, the more that seems to fit. I digress,)

In any event, right before I left they gave me my least favorite chemo drug.  Nice thing about round  three, is you get to have a pretty good understanding of what's going to come.  Friday, Saturday and Sunday were pretty much horrible, at least by modern terms.  I suppose were I to compare sunday to the average day of a medieval peasant during an outbreak of the bubonic plague, my weekend wasn't that bad
Here is the top rated search for medieval peasant on google image search.  I don't know what a liripipe is but I think it should be 2013's new fashion trend.  Also, your welcome for the picture of the peasant.

So the weekend was pretty miserable, but all storms blow themselves out in the end, and it appears that I am departing the sea of the sick headed for the harbor of the well.  I don't anticipate being docked in the harbor for very long.  I will check back into East 8 this Friday the 22nd.  This will hopefully my last admission for a very long time.  I should start round 4 of chemo on the 22nd and the chemo portion should last about a week.

I remember about 1% of the conversation I had in 2003 when I was diagnosed with cancer the first time:
Dr Nielson: "Blah Blah Blah, Non Hodkins Lymphoma, Blah Blah Blah, as far as Cancer's go, it's a good cancer to have"

I'm can't really say that I'm happy to be doing this again, but looking at all of the billions of potentially worse situations, maybe my cancer isn't such a bad cancer to have.  I probably couldn't have said that looking into starting round 1. Entering round 4 is making me optomistic.

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